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   What is the State of the Union? Well I think it goes without saying, things are in a pretty sorry state of affairs.

   Today the United States, and for that matter the entire world, is in a precarious position. I would go as far as to say we are now in the most precarious position in history. The alarming part is that it is getting more precarious each day. I know many of you will say that people have been saying this since the beginning of time, which is true, but have things ever really looked this bleak? I believe after reading the information found in this book you will have to agree with me. Thing are pretty bad with very little chance of things getting better.

   What you will read in this book are facts, facts from the U.S. Federal and State Governments. As you will see in the first chapter there are a number of events that when they happen will change the world as we know it. As you will learn the real danger is the cascading or domino effect of a single event. You will see there are 18 separate sectors of the U.S. infrastructure. You will see that none can function without the other 17.

   Unfortunately the most critical single sector is also the sector most vulnerable to both manmade and natural events... that would be the power grid. The power grid is a vital function of every aspect of life as we know it. Without electricity life would truly change. Without electricity the U.S. would be thrust back a hundred years in time.

   Now just think about the possible catastrophes we now face. Has there ever been a time in history when the world has faced as many eminent dangerous as it does today? Has there ever been a time when there have been as many weapons of mass destruction as there are today? Has there ever been a time when these weapons where as readily available as they are today? Has there ever been a time when a Terrorist setting at a computer thousands of miles from the U.S. has the potential of destroying the U.S. power grid there by destroying the U.S. infrastructure?

   Once again the world finds itself under the threat of nuclear war. No one knows how many nuclear weapons are now in the hands of rouge countries or in the hands of Terrorist.

   Once again Russia and the U.S. are butting heads. Earlier this year Russia's Chief of General Staff Nikolay Makarov stated, in reference to the European missile shield, that Russia might consider a pre-emptive strike an option in certain circumstances. Now Russia is sending three warships to Syria. While at the same time Russia, with the full support of China is warning the U.S and NATO on expanding its forces.

   Look at the Middle East it is just a matter of time before this area escalates into a full fledged war, with the very likely hood of escalating into World War III.

   Let's look at natural disasters... sure there have always been natural disasters. There have been many disasters of a magnitude not seen in modern times. That is my point; we are overdue for a natural catastrophic event. Most if not all scientists agree we are long overdue. You must remember that in the past when these disasters struck the areas where they occurred were sparsely populated. Today an earthquake such as the Madrid earthquake of 1811 and 1812 would, according to scientist, be so destructive as to throw the U.S. back in time a hundred years.

   Today many bacteria have become immune to vaccine. A Pandemic has the possibility of killing millions. This can be a natural occurrence or caused by Terrorist. Scientists have warned that there will unquestionably be an influenza pandemic with the potential of killing from 250,000 to 2,000,000,000 people in the U.S. alone. Scientists have also stated that the virus that causes bird flu has the potential to spark a human pandemic of even greater magnitude.

   All of what you have just read is fact. These are facts substantiated by the U.S. Government. All these facts and many more are laid out in detail on the pages of this book. This information is readily available. You will be surprised to learn that many of the highest ranking government officials as well as well-respected scientists have stated in meetings, hearings and reports that the U.S. is going to suffer a national catastrophic event, an event that will change the way we live.

   The first part of this book will, through the use of official transcripts from high level meetings, congressional hearings, and Department reports, detail what events the government is preparing for as well, to some extent, how they are preparing for it.

   These are all readily available to the general public through the Government Printing office or on the internet. I have included the internet addresses for your convenience.

   You will also read that these events are characterized not as possible but as eminent. In other words, these are events that the government believes are going to occur, it is just a question as to when they will occur.

   The second part of the book my goal is to explain why I believe we are already in the beginning stages of an economy collapse. I also endeavor to explain why it will take very little to push the U.S. as well as the world over the edge.

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